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HB24-1244 Minor Autopsy Report Release Requirement
The amended bill declares that an autopsy report prepared in connection with the death of a minor “is not a public record” as defined in CORA. However, coroners would be required to release certain basic information pertaining to the death of a minor upon request.

HB24-1249 Tax Credit Agricultural Stewardship Practices
Incentivizes practices that improves soil health, improves water retention and drought resilience, or creates more diverse and beneficial ecosystems such as rotational crops, no tillage, cover cropping, integrating managed livestock grazing on cropland, range improvements, interseeding, and compost application.

HB24-1319 Firefighter License Plate Expiration on Transfer
This bill aims to modify the regulations surrounding the Colorado professional fire fighters license plate. Currently, distinctive special license plates, including those for professional fire fighters, do not expire even if the vehicle's ownership changes. This bill stipulates that the Colorado professional fire fighters license plate will expire upon the transfer or assignment of the motor vehicle it is attached to.

HB24-1457 Asbestos & Lead Paint Abatement Grant Program
This bill creates the Rural Housing and Development Asbestos and Lead Paint Abatement Pilot Program in CDPHE. The program awards grants to rural local governments to help offset costs associated with removing asbestos and lead paint from housing, commercial buildings, and other development programs.

SB24-018 Physician Assisted Licensure Compact
This bill enacts the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact. The compact allows physician assistants with a license in a state that has signed the compact to more easily become authorized to practice in any other participating state.

SB24-035 Strengthening Enforcement of Human Trafficking
Adds a sentence multiplier to add to existing human trafficking charges, increasing possible sentencing terms.Additionally, the bill increases the statute of limitations to bring a claim for human trafficking.

SB24-099 Public Employees' Retirement Association Employment after Retirement for Rural Schools
This bill loosens Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA) limitations on retirees so rural school districts may hire retirees for principal or superintendent without a reduction in benefits. The exemption for a rural school district also includes a small rural school district which has a funded pupil count for the prior budget year of less than 1,000 pupils.

SB24-135 Modification of State Agency & Department Reporting Requirements
This bill changes the statutory reporting requirements for multiple departments and agencies. Specifically, this bill eliminates 23 reports across 12 departments and this bill changes the reporting dates of several reports and combines several others.

SB24-180 Repeal Colorado Digital Token Act
Seeks to remove the regulatory exemptions for individuals that are selling, transferring, or exchanging digital tokens (aka cryptocurrencies).

SB24-220 Overweight and Oversize Motor Vehicle Permits
The bill enables the Department of Transportation or the Colorado State Patrol to issue expedited single-use overweight or oversize permits during emergencies. It is essential to ensure that rural counties, particularly those in the Eastern Plains along the Ports to Plains Corridor, receive proper compensation for the use of their roads.

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